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Yellow Fever in the Americas (Brazil) (Bolivia) (Colombia) (Ecuador) (Peru) (Suriname) (Update)

21 March 2017

On the 16 March 2017 the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) published an epidemiological update on Yellow Fever (YF) virus in the AmericasLink

Between the start of January and end of February 2017 Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Suriname have reported suspected and confirmed cases of yellow fever (YF).

In Brazil, since the beginning of the outbreak in December 2016 to 13 March of 2017 a total of 1538 YF cases have been reported. Of which 396 were confirmed, 184 discarded, and 958 suspected cases remain under investigation. These figures include 255 deaths, of which 134 were confirmed, 9 discarded, and 112 under investigation. The case fatality rate is 34% among confirmed cases and 12% among suspected cases. The World Health Organisation (WHO) have created a map of newly defined areas at risk for YF transmission in Brazil, to access please click hereLink

In Ecuador, early March 2017 the IHR National Focal Point of Ecuador reported a confirmed case of YF to PAHO/WHO. The case is a 31-year-old male patient in the province of Sucumbios, which borders Colombia. Prior to this case, the last confirmed YF case in Ecuador was reported in 2012 in the province of Napo.

In Peru, from the start of January to up to end of February 2017, a total of 7 confirmed and probable cases of YF were reproted, including two deaths. Of these, 3 confirmed cases of YF were reported in the Sivia and Santa Rosa districts, including 1 death in the Santa Rosa district. The remaining 4 cases were reported as probable cases by the departments of Amazonas (2), Pasco (1), and San Martin (1).

In Bolivia, during early February 2017 the IHR National Focal Point of Bolivia reported a confirmed case of YF to PAHO/WHO. The case was a 28 year old unvaccinated male tourist that arrived in Bolivia on 8 January 2017 and went to the municipality of Caranavi on the 9 January, where he is thought to have acquired YF. YF is endemic in Boliva with outbreaks of varying magnitude reported cyclically up to 2012. As of 2013, only isolated YF cases have been reported.

In Suriname, in early March 2017 a confirmed case of YF was reported in an unvaccinated traveler from the Netherlands who was in Suriname from mid-February to early-March 2017. Prior to this case, Suriname had not reported YF cases since 1972.

Advice to travellers

A traveller's risk of yellow fever is determined by their general risk assessment e.g. country visited, length of stay, city or rural, activities etc.

Mosquito bite avoidance rules should be adhered to - the mosquito that spreads yellow fever bites predominantly during the day.

Yellow fever vaccine should be considered for travellers at risk.